On February 24, 2023, Trust for Social Achievement Foundation together with the Bulgarian Association for People Management are organizing a seminar dedicated to the youngest generation, which is already part of the labor market. What is required to attract his attention to the business and the market, and everything necessary to engage the youth in the work process. “They want to find a workplace that gives them the opportunity to express themselves and have their suggestions heard. They want to make a change and are looking for the ideas and tools with which to implement their ideas” – this is what Galin Popov, one of the speakers at the event, says. We will hear the shared experience of MentorMate and space for social and cultural initiatives “THERE”. You are welcome to talk, discuss and find good solutions together.
Our special guests will be:
Galin Popov was born in Veliko Tarnovo. Since 2012, he has been actively involved in cultural management. He is a co-founder of the space for social and cultural initiatives “TAM”, where for more than 10 years photography exhibitions, film festivals, theater productions, performances, debates, discussions, literary readings and musical events of artists from the country and abroad have been organized. In 2015, Galin participated in the US State Department’s Cultural Management IVLP. In 2016, he graduated from the Cultural Academy of the Göthe Institut. In the same year, he was one of the finalists in the “Darik Radio” contest “40 to 40”. In 2017, he completed his one-year training in the European ViabilityNet program. In 2019, he worked as the coordinator of the “Plovdiv Caravan” – one of the leading projects in the program of the European Capital of Culture – Plovdiv 2019.
Milen Lambev is a programmer, software architect and manager with over 18 years of experience in the IT industry. He has been working for the American software company Mentormate for 11 years, where he manages the work of various teams, as well as the office in Veliko Tarnovo. It actively helps in the selection and hiring of people, increasing the internal qualifications of employees, organizing and conducting internship programs.
We are waiting for you on February 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the follwong address: Veliko Tarnovo, 16 Velcho Dzhamjiyata St., Space for cultural and social events “TAM” (in the building of the Cultural Workers Club).
The seminar is part of a series of events where we discuss, exchange experience and share successful practices. Our lecturers are usually Bulgarian and international experts, with whom we look for working solutions on current HR topics and those related to the labor market. The series of seminars is organized in partnership with the Earning by Learning project of Trust for Social Achievement Foundation.