Masterhaus: Diversity must become a business priority

Atanaska Nikolova is a “Human Resources” specialist since 2018 at the company Boshnakov Ltd, Burgas, better known on the market as “Masterhaus”. The company employs over 400 people. Ms. Nikolova is responsible for personnel selection as well as specialized development training. Her experience in human resources and team building exceeds 10 years. Currently, she advises the management personnel in the company, together they discover the talents in their team and make efforts to develop their potential.

Why is it important for every company to seek diversity in its team and strive to be free of ethnic or other prejudices?

Diversity in teams is an asset that has no material quantification. Diversity equals difference. Difference is the addition of something, it is the “other” between people. In society, it is seen as something bad. And we can look at diversity as an addition, replenishment, and for the teams to acquire a completeness – everyone has their own contribution to the work and the achievement of efficiency and team results. It is important to look for diversity, to be tolerant and not to feed the prejudices embedded in our folk psychology. This is one of the ways to set a personal example for people not only in the company, but also as part of a civil society. In my opinion, it’s about being citizens, being accepting and tolerant of diversity, not because we live in a big or small city.

What do employers most often fear that stops them from being more “open” to differences between cultures and people?

In my opinion, employers who are not “more open” to differences between cultures and people are “slaves” to prejudice. Prejudice against different religions, people with disabilities or members of minorities. To be tolerant of differences between people and cultures, we need to know more about them – about their history /incl. personal human history/, manners and traditions. Ignorance breeds fear and affects continuity. Prejudice drives irrational decisions and causes employers to be “inhospitable” to staff from different cultures, minorities or people with disabilities. In some cases, the reason is also the impossibility of offering a suitable job position. I sincerely hope this will change and I don’t want it to happen under the “force” of the market due to the lack of staff.

Should the search for diversity in the team become a leading business priority of more Bulgarian companies, what are the advantages?

It is necessary to make the search for diversity in the team a business priority. The advantage is that the more colorful a team is, the more opportunities it brings. The advantages are the exchange of experience, values, skills, the opportunity to learn something different about people from another culture. People from different cultures, from minorities are committed and engaged because they realize that their opportunities to find work are more limited and not only that – they appreciate the opportunity given to them, they mobilize their efforts in the direction of proving that they do not deserve discrimination, to show gratitude and joy that they are working. These people are not from the know-it-all team, they are curious and willing to learn. We should not underestimate them, because in this way we do not see the potential they bring. Their level of compassion and collegiality is often higher than others on staff.

How does your company approach diversity in teams – what challenges do you face and how much of your team is ethnically diverse, for example?

In the teams where we hire staff from different ethnic groups, I encounter the above – they are initially accepted with reservations. Over time, colleagues understand that “new colleagues” deserve respect and equal human rights. Ethnic, minority and 18-25 year olds sometimes show a lack of work habits. But this deficit is inherent not only to representatives of different cultures, ethnic groups, etc. We have the opportunity through personal example, individual approach and personal work to train, integrate and introduce into the organizational process every new team member, regardless of culture, ethnicity and skin color. In the professional approach of the HR specialist, there are a number of methods for uniting teams and managing cultural and generational differences. And it is possible to build everything on positive, constructive communication, on the basis of goodwill and goodwill. Approximately 20% of our staff are of different ethnicities. In them we find exceptional dedication, diligence and commitment. I will not exaggerate when I say that I have had many occasions to give them an example and to be a model of work and collegial behavior/attitude.

Are you having trouble to recruit people?

I face challenges in hiring such as complying with statutory rules such as alien/refugee status. There are challenges related to the applicant’s self-assessment, compliance with agreements, preparation of documents. There are also cases in which parents forbid the young applicant (from minorities) to start working on an employment contract and regulated working hours.

Does your management team undergo training to reduce prejudice?

Our management has not been trained to accept differences. There are no strong prejudices among the management team, but in the next moment we will plan similar trainings – to manage differences in teams.

Valuable lessons and advice from your activity in this direction?

I can share valuable experience. Everyone can look at diversity with positivity, continuity and interest. The difference in teams is an opportunity to learn – about personality, about values, about dealing with provocative moments, prevention and management of conflicts caused by differences between people. All people have equal rights, this is not a cliché, but a fact. Diversity exists even among people of the same culture, ethnicity, etc. as ours. Prejudice makes us more sensitive to differences in physical characteristics and ethnicity, and this is nurtured from the family and school environment. It is enough to be tolerant /of course, each organization can define what it is tolerant to/, to promote company values internally, which are also company policy.

Do you think you and other companies should advocate for more diversity in companies?

I believe that diversity can be a company policy. Reaching out to diversity is a matter of organizational and intellectual growth.