On March 17, 2022 at 2 p.m., we welcome you online to talk about the “Top 10 Dangers of Working from Home.”
Home office working has its benefits, but it’s important to address its risks too. In the seminar, we will look in detail at a ranking of the top 10 most common home working hazards. What are the preventative measures to reduce or prevent these hazards? How to proceed if any of the hazards happen?
In the second part of the seminar, we will focus on the inspections of the Labour Inspectorate, which has developed models to become familiar with the activities in each economic sector. The questionnaires by areas aim to survey all kinds of enterprises.
During the event, key factors relating to the health and safety of homeworkers will be commented on, as well as the rights and obligations of employers and employees.
Guest speakers will be Neyko Neykov – manager of Responsa Prevent – occupational health service and health and safety consultant, and Snezhana Ivanova – legal advisor at Responsa Prevent, specialist in corporate law and data protection.
Snezhana Ivanova – Legal Counsel at Responsa Prevent. She is a corporate and data protection lawyer. She has passed dozens of qualification courses in management and leadership, human resource management, finance, psychology in management, NLP, etc.
In 2013, she underwent in-depth training in Stress & Anger Management in Germany. In 2014 he joined a large team of Responsa Prevent Ltd (then Team Prevent Bulgaria), which developed a unique product for Bulgaria – “Stress Management”. After this project, health and safety remains a favourite cause that he supports at every opportunity. In 2010, he founded the Responsa Academy – an academy for best practices. Since 2018 he has been working mainly in the field of data protection at international companies.
Neyko Neykov – Manager of Responsa Prevent – occupational health service and health and safety consultant. The company is part of a large international occupational health and safety group that has partners in fifteen countries across Europe.
Registration here.