On September 29, 2022, we are again organizing an online seminar, this time on the topic “Commissioning within the framework of service provision – specifics, challenges, risks and practical advice”. The start is at 2 p.m.
Two and a half years after the start of the Covid pandemic, we see pre-pandemic levels of labor mobility in Europe recovering. It is now clear that, with the emergence of new strains, the single European market cannot afford such restrictions on the free movement of labor as we have witnessed. In this context, the topic of cross-border postings in the EU, compliance with the laws against the so-called social dumping and the resulting risks. The topic is gaining special relevance also because of the significant legal innovations in this area in the last two years, which remained largely unnoticed by businesses in the shadow of the pandemic.
Therefore, together with our colleagues from the Bulgarian Association for People Management, we decided to spend time on:
• Regimes for business trips abroad:
When is the order under Art. 121A of the Criminal Code and when the one under Art. 121 of the CT;
What are the difficulties and subtleties in determining the applicable regime, common mistakes;
What are the main obligations of the employer under the two regimes for business trips and what are the essential differences between them.
What are the typical legal aspects that we need to consider when posting within the framework of the provision of services:
Labor law;
Social security;
• Main challenges in posting under Art. 121A of the Criminal Code:
In addition, we will discuss the processes of calculating remuneration, properly documenting the secondment, meeting administrative requirements of the host country (advance notification, appointment of a representative, storage of documents, etc.)
Fulfillment of requirements arising from Bulgarian law;
Fulfillment of requirements arising from the law of the host country;
What are the risks of not complying with the applicable legal requirements;
Administrative sanctions in the host country;
Administrative sanctions in Bulgaria;
We will discuss the topic with long-time experts – Teodosia Kirilova, co-founder of WorkisrOund, member of the International Fiscal Association; Petar Boyukliev, national expert on distribution law for Bulgaria at the International Distribution Institute; Tanel Feldman, founder of Immigration Law Associates; Roland Plecher, member of the Munich Bar Association with many years of experience in labor law.
The seminar is part of a series of online events in which, within 2022, we will have the opportunity to discuss, exchange experience, and share successful practices. Our guest speakers will be Bulgarian and international experts, with whom we will look for working solutions on current HR topics. The series of seminars is organized in partnership with Earning by Earning project of the Trust for a Social Achievement foundation.